Welcome to yet another spooktastic edition of the world renowned BBC!
Due to incessant clamoring of all the Beer and Bacon Club fans, we have renewed our licensing to keep using the spooktacular, terrifying, death inducing SpookyVision!
I hope all of you have completed your wills, because you might have only crapped your pants during the first edition of SpookyVision, but you will definitely have a heart attack this time around!
First, I want to see what really lies behind one of our brethren. Will this individual have a pure heart and SpookyVision will do nothing to him? Or will it reveal the true colors of his soul?!? Let’s take a SpookyVision look at him!

HOLY SHIT!!!! He’s truly a monster!
But don’t worry. Not everything can be that horrible. To calm you down, here, take a look at some sweet innocent toys. There’s no way SpookyVision could corrupt such wholesome to… WHAT THE FUCK!!! NOOOOOOOOO! KEEP THEM AWAY FROM ME!

Where’s my mommy…?!? I’m so scared! Oh! DUNKY! POPPY! DESI! Thank god you are here! I’m sure you can protect me from these monsters!

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! These guys can’t protect me while they are having a threesome!
Oh! Father Mara! Thank god I found you! I might need you to perform an exorcism on all of these items and people that the SpookyVision has detected! Can you please com…. NOOOOOOOOOO! HOLY FUCK! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need to calm myself down… I don’t think my heart can take this any longer… Maybe eating something will calm me down… Oh, there’s some pizza! It looks delicious! But before I eat it, I should check it out with SpookyVision to make sure it’s not possessed!

NOOOOOOO! 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Who would eat this disgusting thing!
Who hates themselves enough to be eating tombstone pizzas?
But what’s better than pizza? Sexy women of course! Look! There’s one! And she’s dancing all sexy! I bet SpookyVision cannot ruin this!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! My erection is gone! Now I will uninstall from life…