Welcome to the hawttest edition of the year! Summer is officially here, even though depending on how you look at it, it might have started weeks ago. Harvest Moon taught me it starts on the 1st. But latest experiences indicate that it may start even earlier than that.

It’s the season of summer festivals, during which, bands from all over the world are on tour, trying to cover all the lost ground. So grab yourself a cold one and make sure you drink it before it becomes a boiled mess.

Of course, GU is the most multidimensional place on earth, so your gaming and watching needs will be fully satisfied.

Steam Sale is on! Summer Sale is live on most gaming platforms, so make sure you extend your backlog’s playing time at least till the next century! For your regular needs, make sure you check Xbox sale round-up June 21st, 2022 (trueachievements.com) and PlayStation games deals in official store and retailers • PSprices Deutschland
Don’t forget to inform us of anything small or huge you may buy, in the comment section below.
Last but not least, GU recommends only the best movies to spend your time, hard drive space or streaming bandwidth on. The latest long-awaited film by Rowan Atkinson is finally here, so make sure you watch it ASAP and tell us what you think about it.
Last but not least, GU proudly presents Megadeth’s new single! Album comes out on 2 September, a long time from now! But thankfully we have this to weather through the scorching summer nights.
Now have fun and Disqus!