Welcome to another yet fantastical edition of the world renowned Gaming United! September sadly is here, but don’t let the naysayers and a few dark clouds get you down, because the fun Tiemz are still here.
Cobra Kai Season 5 is coming on September 9, so make sure you’ve stocked tons of beer and are ready to order lots of delicious pizza.

Don’t forget to invite the old gang.

September already is a month of amazing releases! Rick and Morty S6 is already available to watch. Better start watching now, and make those few days till Cobra Kai S5 fly by like it’s nothing.
It wouldn’t be a GU thread, if deals weren’t included. Make sure you check TrueAchievements – Xbox Achievement Tracking and PlayStation games deals in official store and retailers • PSprices Deutschland for all the latest deals.
H.E.A.T just released another album consisting only of huge HITS! Debates from fans from all over the world have been heating up, regarding the band’s best line-up. H.E.A.T with Kenny Leckremo or H.E.A.T with Erik Gronwall, who now fronts world-class legends, aka Skid Row.
Press play, have fun and Disqus!