March 26, 2025

Welcome to yet another edition of the World renowned BBC! Today, we keep celebrating Fall! One of the 4 most amazing seasons of the year, Fall is the time of the year that keeps on giving!

Wait! What’s going on?!?! We are celebrating Fall!!! Spooky?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Cursed timeline! I guess SpookyVision is back with a vengeance!

No, no, no! I refuse to! It’s Fall! Look at these beautiful and friendly scarecrows! So cute! They are playing poker! WAIT! NOOOOOOO! Not scarecrows from hell!!!!!!

Yes! My sweet, delicious Krispy Kreme is here to save me and calm me down! You can never go wrong with one of their delicious Fall selections! OH NOOOO!! Spooky ghouls in my donuts?!? This can’t be happening!

I need help! :O YES! My good ol’ pal Mario! I am no princess but thank you for coming to rescue me! Mario? MARIO?!?! I knew he was that Yosi wrangler in that JW movie!

At least I can escape all these monsters by hiding in my room! I can just stay hidden and letting the spooky season run out. I can distract myself by carrying my friends in Fall Guys! YES! Fall Guys! We are back to the sane Fall theme! Hoora… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TO BE CONTINUED!!!! (Now comment below and enjoy!)