September 17, 2024

Welcome to yet another fantastic edition of the world-renowned BBC! Today we celebrate the show that is in everyone’s mouths and eyes! People can’t stop watching and talking about this show! It’s been such a great success that our very own Alex has confirmed that it is getting a second season! That’s right! We are talking about Velma!

Queer women of color had never been empowered to these levels before! Hopefully some of you will learn valuable lessons from this show!

Even though Velma is the titular character, she’s not alone! All of our favorite characters are coming back as well, arguably, in their best adaptations ever!

Glenn Howerton is the perfect voice for Fred. Look at this picture and tell me that I’m wrong!

As you may have noticed, Scooby has yet to be confirmed to appear in the show, but our #2 fan of the show Grizzly has already snooped up some great info! Since the show launched Grizzly has been up to date to and attentive to all rumors coming out. He has heard that an incarnation of Scooby is on the way next episode!

Shout out to our very own Grizzly! He made this thread happen! Thank him for it!
One last thing! Persona! Monster Hunter Rise Game Pass! The Last Of Us World Premiere! Now comment below and enjoy!