Welcome to yet another fantastically magical edition of the world-renowned and wonderful BBC!
Today we celebrate another E3 won by Nintendo, with the help of the hugest game of the year! That’s right! Super Mairo Bros. Wonder!

We all know you’ve been itching for a new 2D Mario game since forever! Now you will be able to jump around the crazy Wonder Kingdom, stomping and smashing through very inventive enemies!

Will you have the skill necessary to find the sacredly delicious Wonder Seeds?!? Read the comments below to read Dunky’s comments on the subject. Dunky is a seed expert and has all kinds of seeds all over his face on a daily basis!

But forget about everything. The REAL story is Elephant Mario! He is loved by everyone! He has taken over the internet! People are drawing him, having fantasies about him and more!

The wholesome internet has decided Elephant Mario is the future. He is part of our lives now. So go ahead and enjoy every second of it!

What did you think of Nintendo’s E3 dominance? Did you faint out of excitement during their presentation, or was it only at the end once Elephant Mario was announced? Let us know in the comments below and enjoy!