Welcome to a gruesomely amazing edition of the world-renowned BBC!
Today we celebrate the latest GOTY which has conquered our hearts! The Texas Chain Saw Massacre game!

Based on a movie based on real life, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre: The Game, puts you in the strange world of Texas.

Play as the group of young people that have been captured and tortured, and try to escape from the crazy family that wants to carve you up!

Or play as the typical 80’s Texas family, and learn to work together and grow closer to each other as crazy hijinks ensue! And don’t forget about cute wuvly grandpa!

That’s right! The most requested video game feature ever has finally been implemented in a game. TTCSM:TG finally lets you give your fluids to your grandpa!

You’ll never know who is waiting for you around the corner, so sneak past your troubles or your life might end with a gory death!

So go ahead and buy a copy or get a year of Game Pass, as we will be playing this game for a long time!
Now comment below and enjoy!