Welcome to a hugely amazing edition of the world-renowned BBC! Today we celebrate a huge milestone in gaming history! That’s right! The release of Starfield!

This Game Of The Year game comes from the legendary developer Bethesda Softworks, creators of amazing games such as The Elder Scrolls series, the Skyrim Series, the Fallout Series, and publishers of many more!

Get ready to explore the galaxy! This game gives you unlimited freedom! You are not restricted to being stranded in a puny planet! Millions of adventures await!

You won’t just find desolate planets. Many of them are inhabited, with amazing towns with local economies! Got a pound of potatoes? Sell it in order to have money to spend on guns! There are many space pirates out there, so you better be prepared!

Or be stronk like me and punch everyone instead!

Starfield is the game of our dreams. It’s such a high honor just to get to experience it. It’s a fantastic game, deserving of a fantastic soundtrack! That’s right, the world-renowned Imagination Dragons have contributed one of their masterpieces to the game!
How much do you love Starfield? How many years do you expect to play it for? Let us know by commenting below and enjoy!