Welcome to another grandiose edition of the world-renowned BBC!
Today we celebrate the magnificent video game franchise created by the most amazing of masterful creators Shigeru Miyamoto. That’s right, we are talking about Pikmin!

Back during the initial reveal of the Nintendo GameCube, a tech demo called Super Mario 128 was shown. It featured tiny Marios walking around and interacting with each other and other items.

Inspired by this and by the ants and creatures in his garden, the true genius Miyamoto created Pikmin!

These cool looking plAnt creatures are amazing. They follow you as their leader and will do anything you order them to. They will carry all your trash around back to your spaceship! Take that Starfield!

But it’s not all fun and games! You have to be careful or the scary monsters will get you!

But Pikmin now has a doggy so it makes up for that!


So dance around like a Pikmin and enjoy! Comment below and tell us how much you love Pikmin!