Welcome to a marvelous edition of the magnificently world-renowned BBC! Today we start a trimester long celebration of the next MCU hit The Marvels! Today we begin by presenting the main Marvels’ marvel, Captain Marvel!

That’s right! The hot character portrayed by Oscar winner Brie Larson is finally back! The most powerful character in the whole MCU has to be used sparingly or else every movie would end within minutes with her help!

Not only is she extremely powerful, she’s also super hawt! All BBC members surveyed agreed that they want to see her nakey!

Captain Marvel can harness the power of the cosmos. The whole universe is at her hands!

With this we can reach the conclusion that Carol Danvers is the best thing to have ever happened to the MCU. As the new leader of the Avengers, we can all feel safe that the movie series is heading in the right direction.

So what are you waiting for?!? Go get your tickets for the first available showing before it’s too late! And don’t forget to buy extra tickets so you can invite your friends and family! Start a “pay-it-forward” fund so you can gather funds to buy tickets for those that can’t afford it! Tell us below how many tickets you got and enjoy!