Welcome to yet another turktastical edition of the world-renowned BBC! Today we celebrate the classiest of holidays ever, Thanksgiving!

Let’s face it, Thanksgiving is all about that turkey! We all endure getting together with family through a super long dinner just to eat some of that delicious turkey! Totally worth it!

The Thanksgiving tradition started way back before the pilgrims annihilated the local natives in America. They decided to get together with them and share their food before they wiped them out.

But back to the food! Besides the turkey you can have your delicious mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and delicious pie! A great tip is to try and tie your mouth down so you don’t overeat! Gotta keep that slim figure!

But the best part of the Thanksgiving tradition is the culling of turkeys. Each year the turkey population increases to dramatic numbers, and they are always planning on attacking us and taking over. They want to destroy us! So Thanksgiving is a great way to lower their threat level and to show them who’s boss.

So there you have it. Thanksgiving is not only delicious, but earth saving as well. What is your favorite part of this favorite holiday? Tell us below and enjoy!