March 28, 2025

Welcome to yet another fantastic edition of the galaxy-renowned BBC!
Today we celebrate yet another milestone hit by the amazing and loving Disney group! That’s right, today we are talking about The Acolyte!

Hit after hit after hit. Disney can do no wrong! This time Disney is venturing into previously unexplored waters. Set 100 years before the original movie universe, we finally get to see a world full of Jedises, ruling the galaxy and keeping their tyrannical peace.

But all heroes must have their villains. But who are the villains during this time period?!? Has Palpatine somehow returned yet again for the first time ever?!? Maybe the show will have a Thanos type villain that will change our perspective and make us smile when we see all the Jedises being slaughtered during order 66.

Disney keeps breaking boundaries. They have broken out of the Star Wars universe and have joined with The Matrix universe. Now that Trinity is The One Two, she gets to show us some of her chosen one moves.

Despite being a critical success with glowing reviews from every corner of the galaxy, you will still see King Klown Krybabies bitching and moaning about nothing. So try and drown them out (literally plz) and ignore them saying a Wookie would never be one with the force.

So stay tuned and tune it every week for a new episode of this amazing show. The premiere had two full episodes, but those will only leave you wanting for more!

Tell us how much you love Disney and Star Wars below, so comment now and enjoy!