Welcome to yet another chilly and festive edition of the world-renowned BBC!
Thanksgiving is done and over with. It’s time to bring out the Christmas decorations and lights! Santa is coming soon!

Have you put up your Christmas tree yet? Now that you purchased all our Christmas gifts during Black Friday™️ and Cyber Monday™️you will need a place to put them all under!

It’s time to change your grumpy face! During Christmas season you must smile and cheer along everyone else! Sing Christmas carols and jingles all the way!

Christ-mas tree? Christ-mas carols? You must think we are religious Christ-ian fanatics! Don’t worry! We celebrate all cultures and religions here! Tell us more about your weird holiday customs!

Santa Claus. He’s a non-religious figure invented by the Coca Cola Company, so we are all free to revere him as a GOD! Pray to him and all your wildest dreams will come true! Want a toy car? He’ll get it for you! You want some Nerds candy? He’ll make it a reality! All praise Santa! All praise Satan! All praise Santa!
What is your favorite Christmas season memory? Tell us below and enjoy!