Welcome to the yet another first thread of a year of the world-renowned BBC! This time we celebrate many things including the New Year, venerable Officer’s birthday, and the ridiculous playoffs of handegg!

That’s right! Officer is a year older now! Happy Birthday dear Officer! May the new year bring you the tannest of tans!

Oh yeah, BREAKING!!!!!!!!!!!! 2024 is over. 2025 is now here to rule the world. So stop making that silly mistake next time you write a check, and make sure you write the correct year on it!

Yes, the silly hand egg sport is still being played, despite everyone agreeing that Rugby is superior.

Already on the way, the playoffs brackets are ridiculous. The two number ones get a cheap first win? Ridiculous! So ridiculous!

Thankfully the playoffs end with the super bowl. The true championship. And even better than the super bowl is the super bowl Half Time Show! That’s right! America’s favorite part of the Super Bowl is back and this time Kendrick Lamar will be here to entertain us!

So what is your favorite part of the play offs? (Other than whenever the Packers get eliminated.) What did you wish Officer for his birthday? Tell us below and enjoy!