March 8, 2025

Welcome to yet another amazingly healthy edition of the world-renowned BBC! Today we celebrate Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month! Brought to you by the highest authority in the medicine world, Doctor Reginald Pepper!

That’s right! March is Colorectal Awareness Month! How many months a year do you ever think about Colorectal Cancer? Probably none! But not anymore! Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month is going to make you think about it at least one month per year!

We would like to take a small moment to thank head Surgeron General Blackberry Dr. Pepper for making all of this possible! Ever since Blackberry Pepsi made a huge splash at KFC, Dr. Pepper decided to get in on the action! Blackberry, makes everything delicious!

Here we have a patient (Name withheld to protect their privacy) who enjoys getting tested daily, both for Colorectal Cancer as well as for Prostate Cancer. (Prostate Cancer Test Pictured.) Please congratulate this furry perv for trying to stay healthy!

Our featured drink Dr. Pepper is made claims to have 23 different flavors in one. Sadly, it is complete utterly destroyed by the cough medicine drops added to it, tainting all 22 other flavors. But don’t worry dear Dr. Pepper lovers, the flavor will completely be fixed by making a slushi out of it! That’s right, it becomes an edible drink after you freeze the shit out of it!

Unfortunately, Colorectal Cancer doesn’t have as many delicious symptoms as Dr. Pepper does flavors. Fortunately, it makes it easier for you to catch early symptoms! If you ever have bloody stools like Dunky has all the time, it might be time to consult your doctor. Your Dr. Pepper! Drink up!

Dr. Pepper has tons of flavors. Which ones are your favorite?

Now comment below and enjoy!